1. How parental benefit is divided between the parents during parental leave if only one of the parents is covered by Danish legislation on social securit
If the above conditions are met, parental leave for a maximum of 32 weeks can be paid to the parent who is covered by Danish legislation on social security according to Danish legislation on parental leave.
If the above conditions are met, parental leave for a maximum of 16 weeks can be paid to the parent who is covered by Danish legislation on social security according to Danish legislation on parental leave.
If the above conditions are met, parental leave for a maximum of 16 weeks can be paid to the parent who is covered by Danish legislation on social security according to Danish legislation on parental leave.
If the above documentation is present, paternity benefit during paternity leave can be paid to the parent, who is covered by Danish legislation on social security for an additional number of weeks. However, the total parental leave of the parents with public benefits between the 14th and the 46th week after the birth of the child or the reception of the child cannot exceed 32 weeks.
2. Can my employment contract be extended as a consequence of maternity/paternity and parental leave?
If you are employed in a position at or below assistant professor level (PhD fellow, assistant professor/researcher or postdoc), your employment contract may be extended by a period of time corresponding to the length of your leave of absence. If your employment contract expires while you are on maternity/paternity and parental leave, your employment contract will be extended by a period of time corresponding to the amount of leave taken before the expiration of your employment contract.
You have the right to remain in employment while on maternity/paternity and parental leave if your fixed-term employment contract expires during your maternity leave. This means that you have the right to paid leave during this period in accordance with the state-sector maternity/paternity leave agreement, and you have the right to holiday and pension in connection with unpaid leave, cf. Section 5 of the holiday act and Section 13 of the state-sector parental leave agreement.