Reasons for sick leave in connection with pregnancy with twins- or other multiple births

Rules on complicated pregnancy etc.

An employee is entitled to leave with normal pay owing to pregnance more than 6 weeks before her due date in the following situations, if:

A) following a medical assessment, it is judged that the pregnancy is complicated and continuing to work would put the health of the woman or foetus at risk.

This includes:

  • risk of miscarriage
  • twin or multiple births if there is an increased risk of miscarriage or premature birth
  • pre-eclampsia with raised blood pressure, protein in the urine and/or oedema
  • special cases of violent and/or frequent vomiting affecting the woman’s general state of health (e.g. weight loss) and resulting in incapacity for work
  • vaginal bleeding
  • pelvic girdle pain
  • placental abruption
  • serious mental disorders in connection with the pregnancy, including cases of pregnancy stress syndrome, the effects of which are so serious that they qualify as an illness

B) the pregnancy prevents an illness from being treated, or if the pregnancy makes an illness otherwise unconnected with it - e.g. an existing back, heart, lung or kidney problem - much worse.

C) the special nature of the work or arrangement of the workplace puts the development of the foetus and/or further progress of the pregnancy at risk.

D) a woman’s pregnancy prevents her from doing her job under official rules and regulations, and her employer cannot offer her other suitable employment.

In the cases specified in A-D the employer is entitled to a benefit refund from the first day.