Resignation by employee

Notice rules:

For salaried employees:

If a probationary period has been agreed, the employee is entitled to resign without notice, unless otherwise agreed.

When a probationary period has expired, or if a probationary period has not been agreed, the employee may resign by giving one month’s notice to expire at the end of a month in accordance with the Danish Salaried Employees Act (Funktionærloven). 

For non-salaried employees:

The joint collective agreements and the collective agreement with the Danish Confederation of Professional Associations (AC-overenskomsten) contain provisions stipulating that the rules in the Salaried Employees Act on notice of resignation and severance pay also apply to monthly-paid non-salaried employees. If a probationary period has been agreed, a monthly-paid non-salaried employee may thus resign without notice in the probationary period.

After the expiry of a probationary period, the employee may resign by giving one month’s notice to expire at the end of a month. Hourly paid non-salaried employees are subject to shorter notice periods. Reference is made to the relevant (joint) collective agreement.

In areas not covered by the joint collective agreements/the collective agreement with the Danish Confederation of Professional Associations, special rules may apply.

With regard to staff employed as public servants appointed by Royal decree, notice of resignation must be addressed to the Queen.

The employee must send his or her notice of resignation in writing to the immediate superior.