Publication and communication

Publication and communication

In the ‘Publication and communication’ section of the project description, you should describe where and how you will publish your research and results and for what audience.

Consider dividing this section into:

  1.  scientific publications and other communication to researchers
  2.  communication to other stakeholders (where relevant).

Scientific publications and other communication to researchers

You should name examples of specific scientific journals in where you expect to publish project results here. You should also describe your plans for presenting your project at conferences, meetings, etc.

Communication to other stakeholders

In this section, you should consider what communication channels you will use to reach additional stakeholders.

Examples of stakeholders:

  • patient associations
  • industry
  • politicians
  • the healthcare sector
  • the educational sector
  • consumers. 


Examples of communication channels:

  • Newspapers
  • Danish popular science publications for example Illustreret videnskab og (
  • The international popular science website EurekAlert! (
  • Newsletters, for example from patient associations
  • Blogs
  • The Danish University Extension.


You should be as specific as possible, so that you describe what stakeholders your research is relevant for (for example, C20 companies, general practitioners or Danes under age 40). Next, you should consider how best to reach each target group. For example, you might write that you intend to contact the Danish Cancer Society to get an article on your project in their newsletter/member magazine aimed at Danish cancer patients, or that you intend to contact business-oriented media, for example Børsen in Denmark, in order to get an article on your project published aimed at Danish CEOs. You should also include information on when you expect to communicate about the project – before the project starts, while it is in progress, or/and after the project is completed? Typically, research projects are most interesting to the media when they have produced concrete results. However, in some cases it can also be relevant to communicate about when the project will be launched, for example in cases in which increased media attention might help recruit patients.