Stronger foundation




Initiatives and incentives that promote and anchor external collaboration and entrepreneurship.

  • A: Create broad support for better frameworks and incentives for business collaboration and innovation, both internally among individual employees and externally among partners.
  • B: Ensure external funding for initiatives and incentives that strengthen collaboration between Aarhus University and partners.
  • C: Contribute to the establishment of a commercial foundation in collaboration with regional players to support entrepreneurship.
  • D: Document business and innovation culture at the university through regular analysis.


Efficient systems and frameworks that support external collaboration and entrepreneurship.

  • A: Implement a digital system for knowledge-sharing and professional administration of external collaborations (CRM).
  • B: Create efficient and inclusive decision-making processes internally at the university to ensure the best possible framework conditions.
  • C: Alumni perceive that the university’s offers have value, and more get involved in activities at the university.
  • D: Development of The Kitchen’s infrastructure and physical environment.


Internal and external communication about Aarhus University’s vision for business collaboration and innovation.

  • A: All researchers, PhD student and students at Aarhus University are familiar with the opportunities for entrepreneurship, business collaboration and careers offered by the university.
  • B: Relevant private and public-sector stakeholders are aware of the opportunities for collaboration with Aarhus University.
  • C: Strengthen collaboration and knowledge-sharing across Aarhus University in regard to entrepreneurship, business collaboration and careers.