Students and the interaction between teachers and students

The handling of digital media and tools is becoming an increasingly critical competence on the labour market. The faculty’s ambition is that from their first day at university the students should have the chance to develop/expand their digital competences so they become an integral feature of their academic competences. With a view to achieving this objective, the introduction of a new, joint LMS is regarded as a major resource and support for the EDU-IT strategy.

The EDU-IT strategy relates to the faculty’s education strategy by:

  • Adapting our degree programmes and teaching to meet the needs of society on an ongoing basis
  • Helping to equip the students to exploit the potential of digital media, for instance in the form of
    – new (digital) forms of communication and presentation
    – the net as a resource for learning
    – the net as a resource for cooperation and knowledge sharing
    – navigation, research, the understanding of concepts and media competences
    – lifelong learning

In more specific terms, the faculty will:

1. Develop digital competences

Students must be given the chance to acquire (new) academic digital competences that are relevant for the labour market, thereby equipping them to exploit the learning potentials of digital media, tools and resources. As far as possible, this must be done by working with the subject in question.

2. Create new opportunities for knowledge sharing and cooperation across our degree programmes and teaching activities

EDU-IT will give existing activities a higher profile with a view to strengthening the interaction between students and teachers/researchers across our degree programmes and teaching activities, thereby contributing to broader knowledge sharing.

3. Personalise the use of digital media in the form of the “seamless” use of technology

Students must be able to use the digital media that AU makes available to them as well as combining them with digital media of their own choice – thereby creating personal spaces for learning that support cooperation and knowledge sharing.

4. Develop inclusive forms of teaching and learning

EDU-IT will strengthen opportunities for developing forms of teaching and learning that use digital media to promote the inclusion of students with disabilities.