Status on Campus 2.0
Aarhus BSS has now completed the status report that lists the needs and wishes of the school in the future University City. The report has just been discussed by the university’s Campus 2.0 steering committee and will form the basis of the final tender documents.

The planning of the new Campus 2.0 is in full swing, and here at Aarhus BSS, another important step has been taken. The school’s project group has completed the preliminary status report, which goes through the needs and wishes of the school in connection with the relocation of the school’s activities at Fuglesangs Allé to the new University City in 2025.
The report goes through the data, needs and wishes that Aarhus BSS has gathered in the extensive user involvement process conducted in the autumn and spring as well as in analyses of current and future needs. The school has based its work on the overall principles for Campus 2.0, and the principles of securing physical proximity between researchers and students and opening the school up to the outside world have been particularly central. Other guiding principles have been to ensure a good academic environment, to support the teaching formats of the future and to strengthen interdisciplinary collaboration.
In addition to ensuring the necessary capacity for research, teaching and externally aimed activities, Aarhus BSS is also focusing on ensuring an optimal use of space in the new University City as well as in the University Park. When the school’s activities in Aarhus are joined across Nørrebrogade, lecture theatres and classrooms can be utilised by all lecturers and students. This allows for an optimised use of the facilities, also in the Northeast Corner.
On 28 August, the status report was discussed by the university’s Campus 2.0 steering committee consisting of the senior management team and the director of FEAS, Jørgen Lang. They praised the report, but in its upcoming work of developing the final tender documents, the school is encouraged to consider how the physical surroundings can further strengthen the integration between students and researchers.
What happens next?
The school must now revise the status report, and the revised report will be discussed by the steering committee at the end of November. The final tender documents will then be drawn up and are expected to be completed by April 2020. Subsequently, the procurement process will begin. Aarhus BSS is expected to move into the University City in the summer of 2025.
If you have any questions regarding Campus 2.0, please contact:
Project Manager Anja Zimmerdahl
Mobile: + 4528992114
Read more:
- Aarhus BSS has gathered all information about the Campus 2.0 process on the school’s website.
- You can also visit AU’s website if you want to know more about Campus 2.0.