Especially for union representatives

Here you can find information for union representatives. 

When you, as union representative, receive personal data from AU and from AU employees that you represent, e.g. in connection with their employment at AU, the annual pay negotiation process or in relation to personnel cases, please note that:

Compliance with the personal data protection legislation

It is your responsibility to ensure that the data is processed in accordance with the personal data protection legislation. This means, for example:

  • that the personal data cannot be accessed or made available to anyone else without good reason.
  • that the data is deleted immediately when it is no longer required for the purpose for which it was collected (for example, pay surveys and other types of information collected for the pay negotiation process must be deleted every year when the pay negotiation process is over).
  • that emails with pay information and other documents, which you have received in connection with an employment process, are deleted immediately after the final approval of the pay level.
  • that all documents relating to a personnel case are deleted following final conclusion of the specific case (for example minutes of meetings and other documents). If this data is required at a later point in time, the union representative can contact HR. Subject to the written consent of the employee, the documents will then be handed over.

The rules set out in the personal data protection legislation do not only apply to electronic data, but also to personal data in paper form. This means, for example:

  • that personal data on paper, in ring binders, filing cabinets and similar, must be kept in locked storage (i.e. locked filing cabinet or office) when not in use.
  • that all these documents must be shredded following final conclusion of the specific case.

You carry out your union representative responsibilities on behalf of your union organisation authorised to negotiate. Therefore, please contact your union for more information regarding compliance with the personal data protection regulations.