Newsletter - English summary

Summary of the first newsletter from Arts

Dear Arts staff members and students,

Welcome to the first edition of the Arts newsletter.

I've received a lot of comments, questions and suggestions from you since the plans for 'tomorrow’s Aarhus University' were announced. I'm very pleased by this; I see at as an expression of your deep engagement in the workplace we share and the change process we are involved in.

While I can't respond to everyone individually, all comments and questions will be read, and I will take them into consideration. You will find some of your questions answered on one of the FAQ's on Tomorrow's Aarhus University homepage; we'll try to answer your other questions directly, and all comments will be forwarded to the coming working groups (see below).

The many questions you've posed are also an expression of your need for information about how the work of putting the new organisation into place is progressing.

I will make every effort to meet your need for information, in part through sending this newsletter out on a regular basis.

In the English newsletter, we'll summarise the major Arts headlines which wil also be published on the Danish homepage:

If you're interested in receiving either the Danish newsletter or the English summary directly in your own inbox, it will also be possible to subscribe on the homepage.

The full newsletter will only be published in Danish for the time being, the English version will contain a summary which includes the most important news.

Sincerely yours

Dean Mette Thunø



Administration managers appointed

Ole Jensen, administration manager of the former Faculty of Humanities, has been appointed administration manager for Arts. Per Lindblad Johansen, director of administration of the former Danish School of Education, has been named campus director of the Emdrup campus.

Johnny Laursen head of new Arts graduate school

Johnny Laursen, vice-dean for research of the former Faculty of Humanities, has been appointed head of the new Graduate School of Arts.

Invitation to participate in Arts implementation working groups

Dean Thunø will establish a range of working groups to assist with the implementation of the Board's decisions regarding the academic development process.

The groups will include academic staff, technical/administrative staff and students, and you are encouraged to contact your department head as soon as possible if you are interested in participating. Department heads will soon propose members for the groups, which will typically be headed of a vice-dean or a department head.

The following groups will be established:

  • Internal departmental organisation (research programmes, research units/groups, degree programme/teaching-centred organisation, 'staff councils'
  • Centres and the establishment of new centres
  • Logistics of physical relocation and preservation of quality of study and research environments
  • Library services
  • Study centres in Aarhus and Emdrup
  • Professional and social events at the new departments
  • Communication

In addition, a group for technical/administrative personnel will be established which will advise the deputy directors on the organisation of the administrative centres.

Power point slides from Arts staff meetings (in Danish)

Map of Arts (in Danish)

Suggest a name for your department (in Danish)