ORCID (open researcher and contributor id) provides a persistent digital identifier that distinguishes you from every other researcher and, through integration in key research workflows such as manuscript and grant submission, supports automated linkages between you and your professional activities ensuring that your work is recognized.

ORCID iD provides researchers with a persistent identifier, which will make it possible to distinguish between two people with the same name or connect publications written by the same person under different names.

An ORCID iD is not a private identifier and can be distributed publicly. On top of that, your ORCID iD will follow you throughout your career no matter how often you change your job. Thus, your ORCID.org profile will compile all your CV and publication information. The profile will also keep track of all your former email addresses, providing your collaborators with your most recent contact information, when searching for the email address, they know.

If you already have a unique researcher identifier like the Thomson Reuters Researcher-ID don’t despair. With just a few clicks, you can connect the two and harvest the benefits from the ORCID iD, which is not tied to a single, commercial publisher, but will allow the exchange of information across several platforms.

With an ORCID iD you will not need to type in the same information over and over again across research registration systems, funding applications ect. You will save time and still ensure that you are recognized for all your work.

Source: Startpublicering.nu (changed from the original)

National ORCID project

Denmark’s Electronic Research Library is funding the project “Research documentation and communication in support of innovation and growth” that runs for two years. The project includes a number of sub-projects including the implementation of ORCID in Denmark.

AU Library is part of a consortium of other Danish research libraries and offers support and guidance to the researchers at AU to create and use ORCID.

Read more about the project at http://orcid.dk/?page_id=69

What is ORCID?

How you do it

Claiming your ORCID iD just takes a few moments of your time and you can control what information is displayed publicly and what information you allow to be exchanged between systems.

Start now and harvest the benefits today:

  1. Claim your free ORCID iD via PURE or at https://orcid.org/register
  2. Import your research outputs and add biographical information using the automated import wizards.
  3. Use your ORCID when you apply for grants, submit publications, or share your CV.

Learn more about ORCID iD in Denmark at http://orcid.dk or contact your local research library.

Furhermore, AU Library has made a series of guides, to make it easy to get started with ORCID