Gæsteforelæsning med Joost Schreve fra Stanford University

A talk on the topic "Building a career as an entrepreneur in Silicon Valley".

Info about event


Monday 16 April 2012,  at 14:15 - 16:00


Large Auditorium, INCUBA Science Park, Katrinebjerg, Åbogade 15, 8200 Aarhus N


Michael Mose Biskjær, Digital Design

Joost Schreve moved from his home country the Netherlands to Silicon Valley, California, in 2004. He spent the first two years there studying for his MBA at Stanford Business School in Palo Alto.

During his studies he came up with the idea for a new way to share travel experiences online via location aware devices. Together with a small team of engineers he created EveryTrail.com and grew it into the leading online community of its kind. After five years of great highs and deep lows, he successfully sold EveryTrail to TripAdvisor, the world's largest travel site. He now leads the TripAdvisor City Guide product, and continues to be very excited to be in Silicon Valley, the world's leading innovation center.

In his talk, Joost Schreve will address key lessons learned and share his experience on being an entrepreneur in Palo Alto and Silicon Valley.