How to apply for an ERC Starting -, Consolidator - or Advanced Grant

Seminar meant for researchers who wish to realise a ground-breaking research idea through a grant from the ERC.

Info about event


Tuesday 5 April 2016,  at 13:00 - 16:00


Meeting Room 2, Fredrik Nielsens Vej 4, Building 1421

The seminar is meant for researchers who wish to realise a ground-breaking research idea through a grant from the ERC. The course targets the following ERC grant schemes: Starting Grant, Consolidator Grant, and Advanced Grant. The seminar will focus on ERC proposal writing and provide advice and inspiration for writing a grant proposal.

Registration: The Dean’s Office, no later than 17 March 2016


Welcome – presentation of programme and participants
/ Anne Marie Pahuus, vice-dean for research / Aarhus University

Introduction to ERC
/ Gill Wells, Head of European Team / Research Services / Oxford University
  - ERC at Oxford University
  - What it takes to get a grant
  - How to understand “ground-breaking research”, “high risk/high gain”, and “impact” in an ERC-context
  - What can make your proposal stand out?

An evaluator’s experiences
/ Professor Søren Riis Paludan / Department of Biomedicine / Aarhus University

The experiences of an ERC Starting Grantee (ERC Starting Grant 2014)
/ Ayo Wahlberg / Department for Anthropology / University of Copenhagen,

Coffee break

Support from Aarhus University
/ Jakob Feldtfos Christensen / Research Services / Aarhus University
  -Different parts of the ERC proposal, what to focus on, and how to prioritise the time spent on the proposal writing
  -How best to prepare for the ERC interview.

Concluding remarks and thank you for today   
/ Anne Marie Pahuus / vice-dean for research / Aarhus University