Invitation to workshop for potential Marie Curie Supervisors.

Attracting postdocs through Marie Skłodowska Curie? The supervisor’s perspective.

Info about event


Tuesday 23 February 2016,  at 13:00 - 14:00


Preben Hornung Stuen

Are you considering attracting a foreign postdoc and inviting them to the MSC Masterclass at AU if possible? This workshop will walk you through the call and through the application in order to help you choose the right candidate and prepare a successful process.

The MSC programme is placed in the Excellence pillar of Horizon 2020 and so it requires strong candidates. Additionally, the application requires involvement from the host institution, particularly in the description of the training activities that are part of a MSC fellowship. The Research Support Office will guide you through this and tell you how we can support you through the application process.

Depending on the participants, the workshop will be conducted in English or Danish.

Please register here (registration deadline is February 18)

This workshop is connected to Arts initiative to attract more Marie Curie Fellowships. The Faculty will host a workshop for candidates and supervisors from 10-12 of May 2016. Read more here