Temadag om Open Science – ven eller fjende?
Kom og hør, hvordan Open Science kan styrke din forskning, og bliv klogere på, hvordan du håndterer principperne for Open Science i din forskningspraksis.

Oplysninger om arrangementet
Rum 1253-211 (Merete Barker Auditorium), Søauditorierne
For mange er Open Science en kompleks størrelse, hvor krav om åbenhed og transparens er svære at efterleve. Med temadagen er det ambitionen at give jer som forskere:
- større indsigt i, hvad Open Science er.
- viden om, hvordan Open Science kan styrke den enkelte forskers impact og mulighed for at udbrede sin forskning til gavn for flest mulige.
- værktøjer til at håndtere principperne for Open Science i praksis.
Programmet kombinerer oplæg fra eksperter og forskere, der bidrager med egne erfaringer.
Tilmelding sker efter først til mølle-princippet.
Arrangør: Open Science Forum på AU.
13:00 | Welcome Anne-Mette Hvas, Dean of the Faculty of Health and Chair of AU’s Open Science Forum |
13:15 | Open Science Initiatives in Psychology and Behavioral Science Stefan Pfattheicher, Professor, Department of Psychology and Behavioral Sciences, Aarhus BSS In recent years, there has been a growing recognition of the need to ensure the credibility and replicability of findings in Psychology and Behavioral Science. This talk will highlight concerted efforts and initiatives to address these concerns. Exemplary cases from the levels of individual labs (working groups), the department, and the faculty will be presented and discussed. |
13:35 | Global expectations and local support – how to navigate as a researcher Birte Christensen-Dalsgaard, Open Science Coordinator, Aarhus University Get an overview of the various requirements and guidelines based on EU requirements and the Danish strategy for data management. Also, you can hear about AU’s plans for a new support organisation and how it can help researchers to comply with these requirements of managing and sharing data. |
13:55 | How Open Science can make a difference for society Case 1: HOPEing to FAIR well Kristoffer Nielbo, Professor, Director of the Center for Humanities Computing. ‘How Democracies Cope with COVID19 (HOPE)’ was an interdisciplinary project that examined the behaviour of Danes during the COVID-19 pandemic. This presentation will give you insights into how HOPE coped with the collecting and sharing of data according to the FAIR principles (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable). Case 2: Global wheat rust early warning Jens Grønbech Hansen, Senior Advisor, Digital Disease Platforms, Department of Agroecology For many years, AU has hosted the Global Rust Reference Center related to epidemics of wheat rust diseases on wheat. Data are captured from many sources and stored in a single database at AU. Recently, researchers have been engaged in projects on wheat rust early warning and breeding of more resistant varieties. This presentation will describe the FAIRification process we faced during these activities and it will highlight success stories and challenges. |
14:40 | Coffee break |
15:00 | Improving Open Access at AU – the prerequisite for Open Science Line Renate Hanssen, Deputy Director General, Royal Danish Library Open Access, which aims to make research publications openly available to everyone on the web, is a prerequisite for putting the Open Science agenda into practice. AU has been in the bottom tier among Danish universities for several years in a row when the annual Open Access measurement has been published. The presentation will focus on activities initiated by AU Library to help and encourage researchers to publish their articles in Open Access journals. |
15:20 | Ending talk: Open Science at the intersection of universities and companies Jørgen Kjems, Professor, iNANO (the Interdisciplinary Nanoscience Centre), Aarhus University Establishing biomarkers for human disease requires exchange of clinical samples and health data across disciplines and national borders. General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and patient concern is of major concern in this process. Hear, how Open Science can be the key to ensure unbiased data representation and to avoid commercial exploitation of private information. |
15:55 | Concluding remarks Anne-Mette Hvas, Dean of the Faculty of Health and Chair of AU’s Open Science Forum |
- Stefan Pfattheicher is professor at the Department of Psychology and Behavioral Sciences at Aarhus BSS and serves as the director of the inter-departmental Centre for Integrative Business Psychology. In his research, he seeks insights into why individuals gravitate towards prosocial or antisocial actions and strives to promote the principles of open science.
- Birte Christensen-Dalsgaard is Open Science Coordinator at AU and is heavily involved in defining and organising the support infrastructure. She leads a national group, Research Data Management Advisory Group, that advises DeiC on national investments, and she was involved in developing the national strategy on sharing data.
- Kristoffer Nielbo is professor at the School of Culture and Society at the Faculty of Arts and serves as the director of the Center for Humanities Computing, which has developed and maintained HOPE's infrastructure across three Danish universities and numerous external partners. In his role as an infrastructure manager, he is committed to enhancing the humanities and social sciences through interactive computing and collaborative development. He has been involved in various interdisciplinary research projects that explore the human information landscape.
- Jens Grønbech Hansen is responsible for the databases and the IT infrastructure supporting the Global Rust Reference Center at AU. He is chair of the Data Management Committee at the Department of Agroecology, and he is involved in AU and DeiC working groups on FAIR management of data, tools and services.
- Line Renate Hanssen is Deputy Director General at the Royal Danish Library with responsibility for library services at Aarhus University as well as national physical information supply. She holds a PhD degree in Political Science from AU. She previously served as Head of Analysis and Policy at the Rectors Office at AU as well as Director at Epinion and Head of Learning and Development at Rambøll Management Consulting.
- Jørgen Kjems is a professor at the Interdisciplinary Nanoscience Centre (iNANO) at Aarhus University and director of the Danish National Research Foundation Center for Cellular Signal Patterns (CellPAT) and the Novo Nordisk Foundation Challenge Center for RNA therapeutics towards Metabolic Disease (RNA-META). He heads the ODIN open science project oLIVER that is working to establish biomarkers for liver diseases.