
A cosy evening of molecular gastronomy at a fantastic price

Wednesday 8 November, Eva Blok Sillesen and Karl Anker Jørgensen will enlighten us on the wonderful world of molecular gastronomy while Eva will conjure up a delicious menu incl. wine in the Chemical Cafeteria.

Info about event


Wednesday 8 November 2017,  at 17:00 - 20:00


The Chemical Cafeteria, Langelandsgade 140, 8000 Aarhus C

Wikipedia describes molecular gastronomy as follows:

Molecular gastronomy is the scientific research into the world of gastronomy and the analysis of new practically realisable possibilities for preparing a delicious meal.

Molecular gastronomy explores the chemical processes related to the food preparation process - with a scientific perspective. And it shows that we select, prepare and experience a meal in the same way as in any other experiment.

The molecular gastronomy focuses on the smallest parts of gastronomy and on the many sub-processes that are involved in preparing, serving and consuming a meal:

  • Preparation - how does the character and the taste of the food change during the preparation?
  • Sensory impact - how do we perceive the taste, smell and appearance of the food?
  • The brain’s interpretation - how do we interpret our sensory impact?
  • Gastronomic innovation - applying knowledge of chemistry in the development of new dishes and preparation methods.

At the event, Karl Anker will tell us much more about all of these aspects while Eva will conjure up a delicious menu incl. wine for us all to enjoy in the Chemical Cafeteria. It’s sure to be an amazing experience for the brain as well as the palate. You will be served dishes that are out of this world!

So don’t hesitate to sign up while there are still vacant places.

Time: Wednesday 8 November at 17.00.
Venue: The Chemical Cafeteria, Langelandsgade 140, 8000 Aarhus C
Price: The price is DKK 100 for members and DKK 450 for companions
Registration deadline: 25 October

Registration: https://auws.au.dk/En_aften_med_molekylaer_gastronomi