Staff Development Dialogue

In the course of the autumn Staff Development Dialogues (SDD) will be held at AU. You can learn more about what SDD is and prepare for it at

SDD is an annual dialogue between manager and employee. Companies in Denmark are obliged to carry out SDDs every year.

What is the purpose of SDD?

The purpose of SDD is to reconcile mutual expectations and ensure clarity in relation to objectives, tasks, well-being, cooperation and professional and personal development.

The SDD dialogue also follows up on competence development efforts (such as continuing education) to ensure that new competencies are integrated in the workplace. 

The SDD concept at AU

AU has formulated a joint concept for SDD and in the future all SDD dialogues will be - as far as possible - held during the autumn term.

Managers are responsible for scheduling SDD dialogues with their employees.

You can prepare for your SDD here: