AU GIS committee

The committee has members from AU-IT, Archaeology, AU-bygninger, Environmental Science, Biology, Bioscience and Agroecology.  The committee meets a minimum of 6 times every year (videolink or physical). Each of these six primary members has a substitute that normally is also very active in the committee and attends meetings whenever possible, thus a total of twelve people:






Environmental Science:

The tasks for the committee are in relation to managing licenses and data, maintaining and developing GIS-servers and facilitating knowledge exchange on all things GIS-related.

The committee is the access point regarding vendors of software site licenses (mainly ArcGIS) and the state agreements on data.

The committee coordinates the central GIS servers as managed by AU-IT and facilitates access to data both using common directories and GIS internet servers.

A network of GIS-users at AU is maintained by the committee to ensure knowledge exchange. The network is open to all GIS users at AU (mainly for VIP, AC-TAP, TAP, PhD-students) and the committee informs the network on relevant issues regarding data and software. The committee arranges GIS-seminars with a wide aim every year and maintains a list of GIS courses at AU. For discussion, the facebook group GIS users at Aarhus University can be used.

The homepage of the committee is central for disseminating knowledge to the network and maintaining this is a part of the committee work.