Course terms, teaching dates & schedule

AU Summer University runs in two terms, Term 1 and Term 2 (but each course only runs in one of the terms). 

Term 1 starts on Tuesday 2 July*. For 5 ECTS courses, it will end on Friday 12 July, and for 10 ECTS courses, it will end on Friday 19 July.

Term 2 starts on Monday 22 July. For 5 ECTS courses, it will end on Friday 2 August, and for 10 ECTS courses, it will end on Friday 9 August.

*If your course is located outside Aarhus you can start your course on Monday 1 July. 

For 5 ECTS courses, you are expected to teach from 9 am to 12 noon on all weekdays during the term, and for 10 ECTS courses, you are expected to teach from 9 am to 1 pm. Since Term 1 begins on a Tuesday, you must furthermore divide 3 (5 ECTS) or 4 (10 ECTS) additional teaching hours throughout the term.

Documents and templates 2024 courses

Relevant for all

Documents and templates 2024 courses (MGMT and ECON)

Relevant for MGMT and ECON

Exam webinar recording

Documents and templates 2023 courses

Relevant for all

Documents and templates 2023 courses (MGMT and ECON)

Relevant for MGMT and ECON

Guest lecturer contact list

If you wish to share and receive contact, academic and personal information from the other guest lecturer in your term, please fill in the form below before 25 June (Term 1) or 16 July (Term 2).

Shortly after these dates, we will share the information with those who have filled in the form. 

Contact list for guest lecturers

Contact information
Academic information
Personal information

Guest lecturer information

  • AU Summer University 

Below you find an overview* of the process from when your course is selected until you have graded the last student in your Summer University course. On the left side, you find relevant information, documents and links to other relevant websites. 

*Please notice, that the overview is guiding and deviation may occur. 

If you have any questions, please contact us at

2024 Document


Call for Business, Economics and Management course proposals

Read more here.


Your course is selected and you receive your first mail from the AU Summer University team 


You receive an employment letter including practical information 

You may be in a dialogue with the board of studies about formalities and adjustments to the description 


Your course page is published on our AU Summer University website


You receive a greeting including relevant information about the process until the event 



We open for course applications from students  

You receive information about the housing services offered by AU Housing and are asked to indicate your housing preferences and plans for your stay 



After the application deadline you are informed about whether your course is confirmed or cancelled 


You are asked to provide:

  • List of literature (deadline: 18 April 2024)

  • Syllabus (deadline: 18 April 2024)

  • Exam questions* (deadline: 1 June 2024)

*Guest lecturers at Business, Economics and Management will be invited to an exam webinar. Other guest lecturers may receive further information via email. 


Syllabus template

You receive an email from AU Housing asking to confirm your housing preferences and plans for your stay 

You must make your travel and housing arrangements (if you wish to arrange housing on your own)

You are asked to fill in a form in order for us to apply for a tax card and Danish personal tax number for you

Relevant guest lecturers will receive information about visa

We are hosting an exam webinar for you on Monday 13 May at 9.30 AM (CEST/UTC+2) 


Link to exam webinar

Link to exam webinar recording

You receive a guide to Brightspace (AU's Learning Management System used for online course management)


Before course  You receive pre-arrival course information including social programme and practical matters 


If you have been offered housing via AU you receive a pre-arrival housing information

During course 

If you have been offered housing via AU you receive moving-out information

After course 

You are asked to provide information in order for us to start processing the disbursement of your salary and travel expenses 

You receive a tax letter with information about your salary, tax and travel expenses 

You receive information about possible re-exams