6 tips about information security when working remotely

When working remotely, for example from your home office, you are often a more easy target for IT criminals. 6 tips are now available to help avoid that AU data falls into the wrong hands.

It is now possible for more and more AU employees to return to work on campus. However, it will still take a while before everything is completely back to normal. At the same time, many of us have changed our work habits, and in future we can expect to be working remotely to a greater extent, when possible considering the tasks we need to solve.

However, the level of information security is not the same e.g. in your home office or on the train as it is on campus. And the level of threat towards universities is high. Therefore, it is very important to be aware of your routines and your behaviour, so you can contribute to maintaining a high level of security at AU – no matter where you are.

AU’s information security department has collected 6 tips to help ensure a high level of security when working remotely.

See the 6 tips in this video

Find more information about the 6 tips concerning information security when working remotely.