Aarhus University has seven new Sapere Aude research directors

Seven researchers from Aarhus University have been appointed Sapere Aude research directors and will receive a total of approx. DKK 43 million from the Independent Research Fund Denmark. The aim of the grants is to enhance Danish research across all main scientific areas.

New nationalism in university policy, methods of finding clean groundwater and the economy of the Roman Empire over many centuries. These are some of the areas that the seven new Sapere Aude research directors at Aarhus University will be exploring in the future. 

Sapere Aude research director grants are awarded to projects that are expected to renew Danish research and establish a foundation for future centres of excellence and research breakthroughs. This is what David Dreyer Lassen, chair of the board of directors of the Independent Research Fund Denmark said in connection with the appointments.

"Sapere Aude gives young, talented researchers the opportunity to conduct research into what they are passionate about. This provides for a strong research hub, with research directors who think in new ways and organise the production of new knowledge,” says David Dreyer Lassen.    

36 researchers in Denmark have been awarded Sapere Aude research director grants totalling DKK 220 million.


The seven AU researchers

The text is based on a press release from Independent Research Fund Denmark.