Apply for funding for your competency development from the national competency fund

From 4 September, you can apply for funding for your individual competency development from the national competency fund (Den Statslige Kompetencefond).

When the fund opens for applications on 4 September, you can make a digital application on the website for the Agency for Competence Development in the State Sector.

Before the fund makes a final decision on your application, it will be sent to your immediate supervisor for approval. For this reason, you should always discuss your application and competency development with your immediate supervisor before you send an application.

The criteria for which activities funding primarily will go to and the amounts to be awarded will vary depending on the collective agreement under which you are employed. 

If you want to know more, you are welcome to contact development consultant at AU HR, Development and Work Environment, Henrik Philipp Vestergaard by phone 26282361 or email

About the national competency fund

The fund was established as part of the collective agreement negotiations in 2018, and DKK 172 million has been earmarked for distribution among state sector employees until 2021. The funds are administered by the Agency for Competence Development in the State Sector which will receive and asses applications on an ongoing basis in collaboration with the parties to the collective agreement.