Apply now: “AUFF Flagships is a tribute to non-targeted research”

Do you have an idea for a research project that could drive development and put Aarhus University on the academic world map? Now is your chance to apply for the Aarhus University Research Foundation AUFF Flagships. Deadline for applications is 5 May 2021.

AUFF Flagships is Aarhus University Research Foundation’s major initiative of one single grant of up to 15 million kroner, which is awarded a to project with ‘major academic breakthrough power and innovative strength’.

The chair of the grant committee, Professor Karl Anker Jørgensen, has high expectations for the upcoming applications.

“We’re looking for applications for projects that can raise the roof. The project that receives the AUFF Flagships grant not only has to have a high level of academic excellence, but it also has to be a project that can promote AUFF and Aarhus University to the general public.

Karl Anker Jørgensen highlights The Caesar’s Forum Project, which is supported by AUFF Flagships.

“That is a research project with new perspectives and major international attention. The project shows that we have research with a global perspective, but also that we’re a leading research nation,” says Karl Anker Jørgensen.

To be a part of AUFF Flagships is something quite special, emphasizes the chair of the grant committee.

“AUFF Flagships is a tribute to non-targeted research. It’s a great pleasure to help launch an outstanding research project with the perfect, groundbreaking idea, and where the researcher or researchers might not be known already,” says Karl Anker Jørgensen.

AUFF Flagships is awarded every other year, and applications can be for up to 15 million kroner. To be considered, the project must have acceptance from one or more other funds. 

Each dean can recommend one application to a flagship project. Deadline for applications is 5 May 2021.

Read about the application process.


Apply for publication support grants now

Application is now open for AUFF publication support grants, which are awarded during the first six months of 2021. Deadline for applications is 23 February 2021

Read about the application process.