AU welcomes 7,243 new students

Many applicants have again this year been offered a place at Aarhus University. The pro-rector is delighted with developments in engineering and IT degree programmes, but she is concerned about developments in language subjects.

"Congratulations – you've been accepted to Aarhus University."

On Wednesday night, more than seven thousand applicants received this message and they can now look forward to studying on one of Aarhus University's bachelor degree programmes.

So far, admissions seem to be slightly lower than in 2020, although it is important to remember that 500 more student places were offered last year due to the coronavirus situation. The pro-rector notes that the figures are stable overall: 

"It seems that last year's intake was extraordinarily high – and we assume that corona in particular encouraged more people to apply for study programmes. This year, we're back to something resembling normality, you might say. But at all events, the fluctuations are relatively small and first and foremost, I look forward to greeting the many new students, and with the tutors and teaching staff, I’m keen to give them all a really good start to their student life," says Pro-rector Berit Eika. 

Increases on engineering and IT degree programmes

A slight dip in the figures indicates that AU has admitted three per cent fewer applicants than in 2020, but one per cent more than in 2019 (the final intake may look different, however, as there are still vacant places that can be applied for in the coming month).

Prior to the admissions process, there was special focus on engineering programmes and IT programmes. As a result, there has been a 12 per cent increase in both areas compared to 2019.

"I'm pleased that the trend is generally upwards over a longer perspective. We can see great interest in society for engineering and IT graduates in particular, and I'm delighted that increasing numbers are applying for these programmes," says Berit Eika.

Falling interest in languages

However, the pro-rector is concerned about the decline for a number of language programmes. Eight fewer students were admitted to the two French programmes (‘French Language, Literature and Culture' and 'International Business Communication in French'), 29 fewer to the two German programmes, and 19 fewer to the two Spanish programmes at the university.

"Denmark is deeply dependent on trade and interaction with the outside world. It is therefore crucial that, as a society, we educate a sufficient number of people with linguistic and cultural insight. Admissions to the English degree programmes are stable, but over the past few years, the other language programmes have been in decline. We must take this warning signal very seriously - not just in the educational sector, but also politically," says Berit Eika.


Developments at the five faculties (2019-2021)

  • Arts: 2,047 have been offered a place. This is two per cent fewer than in 2020 and three per cent fewer than 2019.
  • Aarhus BSS: 2,368 have been offered a place. This is three per cent fewer than in 2020 and two per cent fewer than 2019.
  • Health: 893 have been offered a place. This is two per cent more than in 2020 and three per cent more than 2019.
  • Natural Sciences: 854 have been offered a place. This is 13 per cent fewer than in 2020, but five per cent more than in 2019.
  • Technical Sciences: 1,081 have been offered a place. This is four per cent fewer than in 2020, but 15 per cent more than in 2019.