AU’s IT systems are being maintained Saturday the 31 January

AU's IT systems are continually being updated and maintained, but approximately once every three months all of the maintenance tasks that require the IT systems to be taken out of operation are undertaken. One of these ‘service windows’ will be carried out during Saturday the 31 January. This means that it will not in general be possible to use the university's IT systems.

We apologise for any inconvenience experienced by employees and students due to the service window. The work is being carried out in order to improve the systems for the benefit of everyone. Unfortunately, we cannot avoid taking the systems out of operation in connection with the update and maintenance work. The Saturday in question has been chosen on the basis of a comprehensive consultation among the academic and administrative environments so that it impacts as few people as possible.

The maintenance work starts the 31 January at 00.01 and will continue until approximately 14.00. During this period of time it will not be possible to use any of the university’s IT systems. After 14.00 the network incl. the wireless network , AU mail and calendar, print services, files on shared drives, most course systems (e.g. Blackboard and Aula), PURE and AU website will work again. However, FirstClass, Sharepoint, IDM and finance systems will still be maintained the rest of the Saturday. Therefore these systems will be periodically out of service until 23.59 latest. Thereafter the IT systems will be fully operational.

If you are planning to work during the Saturday in question, we recommend that you copy relevant material onto your computer, so you can work on it locally. Emails sent to you while the systems are taken out of service will be queued and processed as quickly as possible.

Approximately two weeks before the service window, the affected IT systems will be used to notify people of the planned update and maintenance work. A week before Saturday the 31 January, all employees will also receive an email reminder about the upcoming service window.

If you are interested, you can visit and follow the IT operating status.

If you have any questions, please contact