Beware of viruses in attached files

IT and Digital Media have registered a dramatic increase in the number of attempts to infect computers at AU with a type of malware known as ransomware, which takes the victim’s computer data hostage and demands a ransom. For this reason, you should be very cautious when opening attached files, and you should make sure that you back up your computer.

Ransomware is a type of malware that infects your computer and encrypts your data, both locally and on the network drive. The program then tries to extort money by demanding a ransom in exchange for they key to unlock the data. The encryption used by the virus is so powerful that it’s virtually impossible to recover your data without the key. Ransomware programs often have the ability to modify their own code, which makes it difficult for antivirus programs to trace them.

Ole Boulund Knudsen, head of information security, encourages all AU employees to be particularly cautious when dealing with attached files, especially attached files from unfamiliar senders, and to back up any data that is stored locally on their computers.

Read more on the operating status update page, and contact your local IT helpdesk if you suspect that your computer might be infected by a virus.

For further information, please contact:

  • Ole Boulund Knudsen, Head of Information Security, tel. 30 62 20 85, e-mail: