Blackboard will be shut down soon – remember to save your content

Brightspace has replaced Blackboard as AU’s learning platform, and on 31 October 2021, Blackboard will be shut down for good. Before that, lecturers need to download any course content and evaluation reports from Blackboard they want to save.


The introduction of Brightspace as AU’s university-wide learning platform also means a farewell to Blackboard. Course content from Autumn 20 and Spring 21 has automatically been transferred to Brightspace, but as a lecturer, you need to download the content and evaluation reports you want to save from previous semesters yourself.

How to download course content:

  • You can download individual files from your Blackboard courses to your pc manually. You can download content manually through 31 October 2021. Find out how to do this here.
  • By filling out a form requesting to have all the content from an entire course transferred directly to Brightspace. Note that if you want to have content transferred in this way, you must submit the form by 15 October 2021 at the latest. Download the form.

Content from Autumn 18 – Spring 20 will be stored for one year and will be available upon request. However, it may take time to process your request, so we recommend that you download your material before 31 October.

Note: After 31 October 2021 it will no longer be possible to download course content from before Autumn 18 – neither manually nor using the form. 

How to download evaluation reports:

If you want to save evaluation reports from your completed courses in Blackboard, you must download them yourself. Find out how to download evaluation reports from Blackboard.

Note: Evaluation reports from previous semesters have not been transferred to Brightspace and will not be saved after 31 October.

Need more information?

You’ll find all the instructions on how to download material at Here you’ll also find more information on how to get started with Brightspace. You can also read more about course evaluations in Brightspace.

If you didn’t find what you were looking for, please contact the Brightspace support team.