Facelift in Pure

On 29 August, the profile overview in Pure gets a brand new look. The new design provides a better overview, and significantly improves how researchers can access and explore their content in Pure, and work with their profile.


The new overview makes the content in your Pure profile more accessible and easier to edit. As a user you are not required to do anything and it has no influence on your access to the content in your Pure profile.

PlumX and Pure data has been incorporated into the new design. For instance, it will be easy for researchers to follow how their research is used by others.

Another improvement is the way projects are featured with timelines, awarded funds, and related research output.

The new profile overview appears automatically from 29 August 2019. Users do no lose access to content or any functionality, and do not need to take any action after they log in.

An new guideline will help users become familiar with the organization and functionality of the new profile overview.

See the new profile overview

Please write pure@au.dk if you have questions regarding the new profile overview page and Pure in general.