Introduction Day at AU

The Introduction Day is Aarhus University’s official event to welcome new members of staff. During the Introduction Day, you will find out more about your new workplace.

You will get a chance to expand your network and receive information about the various services and opportunities you have as an AU employee. You will also meet some of the key persons in the organisation. Danish and international members of staff are invited, and part of the programme will be in Danish and other parts of the programme will be in English. The event is free of charge.

Time and venue

Thursday 5 October 2017 from 9:00 to 12:30

The Conference Centre, Fredrik Nielsens Vej 2-4, 8000 Aarhus C

Sign up here

Participants recommend Introduction Day

” ...I could ask directly my questions and get hands-on information.” (Bernadette Rosati, postdoc)

"It's nice to get a face to face with your union representative, where you can actually talk about what it's like to join a union...." (Eoghan Rattigan, PhD student) 

Watch the Introduction Day video (in English)

Introduction Day Programme

08:30 Introduction by International Academic Staff Services

08:50 AU’s organisational structure by AU Communication and Press

09:00 Welcome by The Senior Management Team

09:30 New to Denmark – presentation by international staff member at Aarhus University

09:55 Presentation of information stands

10:25 Information stands

11:10 Employment-related information from an HR partner

12:10 Tour of the university campus

Download invitation and programme

Please contact Henrik Philipp Vestergaard for further information about the Danish part of the Introduction Day or Anne P. Langer for further information about the English part of the Introduction Day.

During the Introduction Day, it will be possible to talk to representatives from:

  • Liaison committees and unions
  • International Academic Staff Services (IAS)
  • International Community
  • HR partner
  • Centre for Teaching and Learning
  • Web and Digital Media
  • AU Library
  • Empower Talent!
  • PhD House Activity Group
  • The Research Support Office
  • LærDansk
  • University International Club
  • AU HR Development and Work Environment
  • Procurement
  • The occupational health and safety organisation at AU (AMO)

AU’s welcome package

You can also order a welcome package for your new employee. The welcome package contains a welcome folder, the AU Strategy and the AU Staff Policy, important information for international members of staff, an AU map and other relevant information.