It’s time to elect new occupational health and safety representatives

New representatives must be elected, and all interested employees are encouraged to stand for election.

As an occupational health and safety representative, you would be responsible for addressing issues that affect the physical or psychological work environment in your unit. This means you would have a chance to make a real difference in relation to the challenges that might exist in your unit’s work environment. You can find out what occupational health and safety groups you are eligible to stand for on AU’s election website.

New occupational health and safety representatives are to be elected to all the occupational health and safety groups at AU, a total of 166 seats. If only one candidate stands for a particular post, he or she will be automatically selected and will be notified of this. If there is more than one candidates, a contested election must beheld.

How to stand for election

If you want to nominate yourself as a candidate, please send a nomination form to by noon of 16 February. Nomination forms are available on AU’s election website.

Facts about the election

  • The election will take place in February 2015, and representatives are elected for three-year terms.
  • The occupational health and safety representatives will serve from 1 March 2015 to 28 February 2018.
  • Representatives may be re-elected.
  • Read more about the election on AU’s election website.

Additional information

If you have any questions, you are welcome to write to