Join the mentorship programme and help empower talent

Join the mentorship programme and help empower young talents at Aarhus University. Join the mentorship programme Empower Talent! as a mentor or mentee. The programme matches staff at assistant professor level with more experienced colleagues at associate professor or professor level. Sign up for the mentorship programme by 20 April 2016.

How can becoming a mentor benefit you?

You can become a mentor if you are a member of academic staff at AU at associate professor level or above. As a mentor, you can for example:

  • Influence and strengthen the research and education environment
  • Contribute to AU’s continued development
  • Expand your network
  • Practise your communication skills
  • Explore new perspectives
  • Have the pleasure and satisfaction of helping a talented colleague at AU develop professionally and personally

How can becoming a mentee benefit you?

You can become a mentee if you are a member of academic staff at AU at assistant professor level (assistant professor/researcher/postdoc) and employed at AU for at least another ten months. As a mentee, you have an opportunity to focus on developing your career and benefit by receiving for example:

  • Good advice and ideas on how to increase your visibility and how to navigate in the world of research
  • Support in developing and enhancing your professional identity
  • Guidance in strategic prioritisation of working hours and tasks - and work/life balance
  • Help to strengthen and establish networks locally, nationally and internationally
  • Feedback on your CV
  • Advice and guidance in relation to the process of qualifying as a senior researcher/associate professor

Mentor/mentee experiences

Watch the video in which mentor Jacob Kjær Eskildsen and mentee Sabine Müller talk about what they have gained from participating in the mentorship programme:

Retaining talents and exchanging experience across AU

The purpose of the programme is to support and develop the professional and personal career potential of academic staff and to retain bright talents at Aarhus University. The programme is intended to match ‘mentor pairs’ from different fields, which means that both mentors and mentees can expect to gain some insight into what reality looks like seen from a different corner of the university.

Sign up for the mentorship programme

If you’re interested in becoming a mentor or mentee, you can sign up on this website (sign up here). Registration is open until 20 April 2016.

Further information