New and improved AU Translate

If you need help with translation from Danish into English, try using the new and improved version of AU Translate. AU Translate works in the same way as online translation solutions like Google Translate, but is tailored to AU’s needs. The new version of AU Translate is still based on AU's own terminology bases and translation memories. But the translations it produces are generally more fluent and less ‘machine-like’.

You can use AU Translate to translate short texts (max. 2,000 characters), such as administrative correspondence, meeting minutes and other work-related texts.

The tool can also be used when you need to translate sensitive and/or confidential information, as all text is processed in a closed system via encrypted transfer. But remember to thoroughly edit all machine translations before use. And you should always make sure to double-check the names of AU places, units and positions in AU Dictionary.

Important information

To access AU's own customised machine translation solution (or ‘engine’), select ’Engine: AU da-en’. During a short transitional period, you can also access other language combinations by selecting 'Engine: General’. However, these other language combinations will be removed by the end of May 2019, as the ' General' solution is not tailored to AU's terminology.

Access AU Translate here.

Need help?

If you have any questions or need help, please contact your language consultant.