New classes of mail and changed rates

Post Danmark is merging with PostNord, and has announced a number of changes in this connection. As of 1 September, the domestic mail classes ‘A letters’ and ‘B letters’ will be replaced by ‘letters’ and ‘quick letters’.

Letters will be delivered three to five working days after delivery to PostNord.

- Domestic letters delivered to Internal Mail by Monday or Tuesday will be delivered on Friday.
- Domestic letters delivered to Internal Mail by Wednesday, Thursday or Friday will be delivered the following Wednesday.



Do you need your letter delivered tomorrow?

If it is absolutely necessary for your letter to be delivered tomorrow, you can send it as a ‘quick letter’. Write the letter ‘Q’ on the top centre of the envelope, and Internal Mail will take care of the rest. But please be aware that this is expensive: a quick letter weighing up to 100 grams costs 27 kroner.


Emails are free, and eBoks costs a couple of kroner

Do consider the option of sending your letter digitally. Emails are free, and they are delivered immediately. Letters containing sensitive personal information should be sent as digital mail to the recipient’s eBoks.