New classification of Danish academic ranks and titles adopted

On 1 January 2020, a new classification of academic ranks and titles at Danish universities came into force after a consultation process. Read about the most important changes from the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Higher Education here.

The classification of Danish academic ranks and titles at Danish universities has been revised in a new ministerial order. The most important changes are as follows:

  • The position of professor with special responsibilities (MSO) will be phased out
    The position ‘professor with special responsibilities (MSO)’ will be phased out; no more professor MSO titles will be awarded. Personnel currently employed as professor MSO will retain this title and employment conditions until the end of their term as professor MSO.

  • Dual university career track structure retained
    The two academic career tracks in the classification are retained: assistant professor-associate professor-professor and researcher-senior researcher-professor. Teaching duties are associated with all of these positions, the ministry emphasises.

  • Teaching portfolio and the university teacher training course made mandatory
    All applicants to positions at and above associate professor/senior researcher level will now be required to submit a teaching portfolio or the equivalent to document their teaching qualifications. In addition, all assistant professors, researchers and teaching assistant professors will now be required to compete a university teacher training course (pædagogikum).

  • Promotion programme for mid-career academic staff
    The ministerial order gives universities the option to introduce ‘promotion programmes’ offering a clearer path to promotion from associate professor/senior researcher positions to a professorship. Such programmes may be offered to retain and/or recruit particularly outstanding associate professors/senior researchers. 

Implementation process

Aarhus University will now begin the process of implementing the new classification of ranks and titles.

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