New translation platform available to AU’s translators

If you often translate between Danish and English for AU, you can get free access to an online translation tool that allows you to recycle your own and others’ translations.

AU Language Services are now offering AU employees the opportunity to learn how to use the professional translation tool MemSource Cloud, which can both save time and help you improve the quality of your work. Free courses are available to all employees who often translate between Danish and English.

When you translate in MemSource Cloud, you can reuse words and sentences from texts that have previously been translated by AU Sprogservice’s own translators and their external suppliers - and add your own translations to AU’s translation memories.

As a user of the program, you will have access to the AU online translation environment where everyone who translates for AU can draw on and contribute to powerful translation memories and termbases.

Two three-hour workshops

Two three-hour workshops are available. The first workshop is an introduction to the basic functions in the program, and the second is a ‘MemSource Cloud II’ course that covers working with term bases and  other advanced functions in the program.

MemSource Cloud is easy to get started with and easy to use, and you will be able to work independently in the program after the first workshop: participation in the second workshop is optional.

The courses are free and open to all AU employees. The most important prerequisite is that translation between Danish and English must be an important and recurring part of your job responsibilities at AU. The MemSource Cloud user interface is in English, but the courses will be taught in Danish, and a high level of proficiency in Danish is a prerequisite for participation and for using the program. While most of the translation memories available are based on translation from Danish to English, the program can also be used for translation from English to Danish.

Both workshops will be offered once a month, and the first workshop will take place on 29 April.