New website for PhD students

On 1 November, AU will be launching a new website for PhD students at AU. The website has two aims: external recruitment of PhD students and internal cross-faculty information for current PhD students.


The new website is called, it is in English, and substitutes the externally oriented and the internally oriented The old pages will be closed on 1 November as the new page is launched.

How can you use the website?

On this page, you will be able to find information that runs across faculties and graduate schools. PhD students at AU will find relevant information in the section "For current PhD students" such as:

  • PhD Courses
  • AU Career PhD & JR
  • Aarhus University PhD Association (AUPA)
  • PhD and Postdoc Activity Group
  • Going Abroad
  • Helpdesk
  • Strategy and collaboration

See the new website

If you have any questions about the website, please contact the editor of, Anne P. Langer,