Phishing emails in circulation: Never reveal your password

Some AU staff members have recently received false emails which try to trick them into revealing their password. If you receive a phishing email, do not follow the instructions in the email. Simply delete it.

Illustration: Colourbox.

Several employees at Aarhus University have recently received emails from a person purporting to be an AU member of staff, who asks the user to validate his or her password. This is a so-called phishing email, which attempts to gain access to sensitive information by tricking the user into revealing his or her password.

The email may look like this:

Several elements in the email indicate that it is fraudulent:


  • The email has been sent from the domain UCC.EDU.CO, which is not part of AU
  • The email is written in poor Danish and looks as though it has been produced using Google Translate
  • An employee from Aarhus University would never ask for your password in an email

In addition, several users have also received a phishing email which appears to have been sent by PostDanmark. The email contains a PDF file which, if opened, will encrypt all the files on your PC. You should therefore always exercise extreme caution when opening attachments.

AU IT is trying to find out whether it is possible to remove the fraudulent emails in question from Exchange. However, should you receive one of these phishing emails, just delete it without clicking on any of the links or attachments.

If tricked by phishing

If you have inadvertently sent your password to a third party, contact your local IT support immediately, and they will help you contain the damage and resolve the problem as quickly as possible.

Read more about phishing