Remember to check your spam filter

A new technical solution is being rolled out at AU to protect your inbox against fraudulent emails. Until the solution has been fully implemented, you should keep an extra eye on your spam filter.


On 22 September, AU IT will commence the roll out of DMARC, a new technical solution to mitigate spoofing attacks against staff. DMARC will ensure that fraudulent emails from senders claiming to be from Aarhus University are rejected before ever reaching your inbox.

Check your spam filter

During the implementation phase, for a brief period you will need to pay extra attention to whether emails end up in your spam filter by mistake. Until the solution has been fully implemented, the system may reject genuine emails if they have been sent from a system. For example, newsletters and confirmation emails from booking systems.

DMARC only protects your inbox against fraudulent emails that claim to be from Aarhus University. You still have to keep an eye out for any signs of spoofing from other organisations and companies, as well as for phishing emails in general.


  • Spoofing is fake e-mails in which the sender pretends to be from an organisation you know. Spoofing is related to phishing. Click here to read about the typical characteristics of phishing emails
  • DMARC stands for Domain-based Message Authentification, Reporting and Confirmation, and it is an email authentication system.
  • This protects an organisation’s domain against spoofing, phishing and other cyber attacks, for example.
  • DMARC is based on the widely used verification techniques SPF (Sender Policy Framework) and DKIM (Domain Keys Identified Mail).
  • DMARC is recommended by the Centre for Cyber Security (CFCS). 

Do you have any questions?

Contact your local IT support team if you have any questions.