See where to park and not to park around AU’s 90th anniversary celebration on 21 September

Parking facilities around the University Park will be changed in connection with the 90th anniversary celebration on 21 September 2018. Look at the map to see which parking areas you cannot use during the period around the anniversary celebration.

If you usually park close to the University Park, please note that some of the parking areas will not be available for parking to the same extent as usual in the days up to the celebration on the 21 September and during the weekend. On the map, you can see which parking areas will be affected and when. Signs with information about the changes will also be available in the affected parking areas.

In the days up to the 90th anniversary celebration, the number of available parking spaces will be reduced, so it may be a good idea to use public transportation, if possible.

Alternative parking options are available here:

  • Next to Kasernen south of building 1582-83.
  • The parking area on the corner of Vestre Ringgade/Trøjborgvej/Nørrebrogade (Lille Barnow) Please note, only AU staff are allowed to park in this area
  • Along Katrinebjergvej and Jens Baggesens Vej.