Seminar on Educational IT 8 October - changes to programme and venue

The Committee on Education invites all AU teaching staff to a seminar on educational IT on 8 October. Due to illness there is a new keynote speaker. In addition, there has been a change of venue.


New keynote speaker
Unfortunately, Professor Jeff Haywood of the University of Edinburgh will not be able to present the keynote speech at the seminar on account of illness. He has kindly selected Professor Sian Bayne of the University of Edinburgh as his replacement. Professor Bayne will give a presentation entitled ‘Teaching born digital: the risks and pleasures of digital education. She explains it as follows:

‘Teaching online challenges us to think differently about some fundamental issues for higher education: what it means to have ‘contact’ with students, changing ideas about the importance of campus, new modes for assessment and academic writing, and new models for academic community.

In this talk I will discuss some of these challenges, and explore ways in which teaching practice can engage with them. Using the ‘manifesto for teaching online’ developed by the Digital Education group at the University of Edinburgh as a starting point, I will discuss approaches to developing a creative approach to teaching online, while at the same time maintaining a critical perspective on the wider cultural and political contexts of educational change.’

New venue!
Please note that the seminar has been moved from lecture theatre D2 at the Department of Mathematics to lecture theatre G1.

Detailed schedule for presentations
After Professor Bayne’s talk, AU teaching staff will speak about their experiences with including digital platforms in their teaching. See detailed schedule for presentations.  

Sign up here
Register for the event via this link and join us for an exciting and inspiring seminar. The deadline for registration is 21 September 2015.

Text from 12 August

After Professor Haywood’s talk, AU teaching staff will speak about their experiences with including digital platforms in their teaching. Topics will include e-books, collaborative teaching and 3D modelling will be addressed.

Before and after the talks, there will be an opportunity to visit a variety of stands where presenters and staff from the university’s teaching development centres will be available to discuss educational IT.

The seminar will be an inspiring afternoon for all teaching staff at AU an inspiring afternoon and will provide you with concrete ideas about how to include educational IT in teaching.

Programme for the day


Light lunch

Opportunity to visit stands

12:30 -12:45

Welcoming remarks by Berit Eika, pro-rector at Aarhus University

12:45 - 13:45

Keynote speaker Professor Jeff Haywood of the University of Edinburgh will give an interesting talk, ‘Building a university digital education strategy: Opportunities and challenges to 2025’.

13:45 - 14:45

Presentations by members of teaching staff

14:45 - 15:15

Coffee break and visiting stands

15:15 - 16:45

Presentations by members of teaching staff


Concluding remarks by Berit Eika


Networking and visiting stands

Inspiring presentations

The seminar will open with the talk ‘Building a university digital education strategy: Opportunities and challenges to 2025’ by Professor Jeff Haywood of the University of Edinburgh.  In his talk, Professor Haywood will review developments in digital education over the past decade from a technical and pedagogical perspective. He will also attempt to describe how digital education will develop over the coming decade.  As Haywood explains,

“I shall explore the possible changes we may experience in European higher education, both as a result of new technologies, and also social and political pressures for new ways of providing tertiary level education. There are great opportunities for universities med vision and flexibility, but also some difficult challenges to address.  I shall conclude, as an example, with a vision for how education at the University of Edinburgh should be structured by 2025.”


Both presentations and stands will address the following themes within educational IT: 

  • - An innovative online tool to improve students’ written exam skills: Ditlev Brodersen, Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics (in Danish)
  • Sci2u: IT-assisted maths skills training in teaching mathematics: Bjørk Hammer, Department of Physics and Astronomy (in Danish)
  • Instructional videos for lab work:  Christian Holm, Department of Biomedicine (in Danish)

  • E-Museum and the digitalisation of anatomy teaching: v/Henrik Løvschall, Department of Dentistry (in Danish)
  • E-books in classroom teaching in forensic medicine for medical students: Asser Hedegård Thomsen, Department of Forensic Medicine (in Danish)

  • The digitalisation of evaluation: Torben K. Jensen, Centre for Teaching and Learning (in Danish)

  • Using educational IT in teaching: Associate Professor Carsten Bergenholtz, Department of Management (in Danish)
  • Blackboard template at Department of Political Science: Asbjørn Skjæveland, Department of Political Science (in Danish)

  • Data-intensive methods in teaching of the humanities: Kristoffer Nielbo, School of Culture and Society (in Danish)

Practical information

  • Date and time: Thursday 8 October 2015 12:00-17:00
  • Venue: Building 1530, Ny Munkegade, Matematics Auditorium D2 and the Mathematics Ambulatory (Vandrehallen)
  • The event is free and is open to all interested teachers and students at AU

Sign up here 

Register for the event via this link and join us for an exciting and inspiring seminar. The deadline for registration is 21 September 2015.