Special initiatives to promote constructive communication at AU

In the coming semester, there will be a special focus on ‘constructive communication’ at Aarhus University. In connection with this campaign, managers, members of liaison committees and the occupational health and safety organisation have been invited to participate in workshops designed to help them lead the way in promoting constructive communication.

Photo: Maria Randima Sørensen

Throughout the spring of 2018, the university will focus on encouraging an atmosphere of constructive communication. In this connection, managers at the university – together with members of the liaison committees and the occupational health and safety organisation – have been offered the opportunity to participate in a 'good constructive communication workshop' organised by HR. These workshops will provide participants with hands-on tools, methods and knowledge they can use in their local efforts to promote constructive communication.

Follow-up on the psychological workplace assessment

The psychological workplace assessment from 2016 showed that the tone of communication was perceived as harsh in some parts of the university. In response, Rector Brian Bech Nielsen launched a joint effort to improve communication at the university’s four faculties and in the administration, in collaboration with the Main Occupational Health and Safety Committee and the Main Liaison Committee. Some units may still need to work on their communication climate more systematically, while others introduced initiatives immediately after the psychological WPA. Regardless of how much progress has been made, it is important for all AU employees – regardless of job function – to take an active interest in this joint campaign and to make a continued effort to focus on ensuring a constructive communication climate.

The senior management team will round off the joint campaign in mid-2018.

Read about the half-day Constructive Communication Workshop (in Danish), which will be held for the next time on 6 December.

For more information on constructive communication: Please contact AU HR, Organisational Learning and Development at kompetenceudvikling@au.dk or tel. 8715 3386.