Stand for election to the occupational health and safety organisation at AU

Now is the time to stand for election as an occupational health and safety representative in your unit. The nomination period has begun and will continue until 8 January 2021.

Would you like to help develop the good work environment in your unit to ensure well-being and efficiency? Would you like to advise and provide input to management on occupational health and safety and contribute to the development of your workplace – while inspiring and motivating your colleagues?

Then stand for election as an occupational health and safety representative at AU. All departments/schools, faculties, centres and units in the administration have local occupational health and safety representatives within the occupational health and safety organisation.

Make a difference and help promote well-being and cooperation

As an occupational health and safety representative, you help to create a framework for well-being and cooperation on a day-to-day basis together with your colleagues. Occupational health and safety representatives and managers are close partners and launch projects and initiatives together to improve your local work environment.

Apart from being an occupational health and safety representative, you can also go one step further and get involved in strategic efforts as part of an occupational health and safety committee in the unit where you are employed. Here you will help prepare action plans that follow up on your WPA, prevent work environment problems and ensure compliance with the Danish Working Environment Act in your organisation.

But before you get that far, you have to be elected by your colleagues. The election itself will take place from 11 to 26 January 2021.

How to stand for election

All members of staff who have worked at AU for a minimum of nine months can stand for election as occupational health and safety representatives.

You will stand for election in the organisational unit where you work and which is covered by the occupational health and safety group – part of a department/school or administrative division, for example.

Occupational health and safety representatives are elected for three years at a time (1 March 2021 to February 2024).

Facts about AU’s occupational health and safety organisation

The occupational health and safety organisation at AU consists of:

  • Occupational health and safety groups (AMG) at departments/schools, centres and administrative divisions
  • Local Occupational Health and Safety Committees (LAMU) for each department/school, centre and administrative division
  • Faculty Occupational Health and Safety Committees at the faculties (FAMU) and the Administration Occupational Health and Safety Committee (AAMU)
  • The Main Occupational Health and Safety Committee (HAMU)


Further information

If you would like to know more about the occupational health and safety organisation at AU, you can contact your local occupational health and safety representative or the contact person for your area: