Starting on Monday 12 February, the streets in the University Park will be bike-friendly

The City of Aarhus and AU want to make it safer to bike in the University Park. From now on, the streets in the University Park will be bike-friendly. While motor vehicles are still permitted on campus, drivers will have to slow down to accommodate cyclists.

On Monday 12 February, the Municipality of Aarhus will install the first bike-friendly street signs in the University Park between 9:00 and 10:00, when coffee will also be served at the Karl Verners Vej intersection. All students, employees and guests on campus are welcome to participate, and there will be plenty of opportunities to ask questions about the bike-friendly street concept.

While motor vehicles are still permitted on campus, drivers will have to slow down to accommodate cyclists. The speed limit for motor vehicles on a bike-friendly street is 30 km/hr. Motor vehicles will still be permitted to park on the bike-friendly streets – but only in marked parking spacing, as before.

In Aarhus, a number of streets, including Mejlgade, have been reclassified as bike-friendly.

The conversion of the streets in the University Park to bike-friendly streets is the result of close dialogue between the City of Aarhus, AU and AU’s Student Council. AU and the City of Aarhus will continue to work together to improve traffic safety on campus. AU’s emergency response coordinator Anders Kragh Moestrup and the Student Council are in dialogue with the city regarding traffic safety at a number of intersections near campus.