Sys Christina Vestergaard is the new head of press and communication

A unanimous appointment committee has appointed Sys Christina Vestergaard as head of press and communication at Aarhus University.

Sys Christina Vestergaard is a familiar face at the university, where she has been acting head of press and communication since August 2019. After a public call for applications, the appointment committee unanimously voted to appoint Sys Christina Vestergaard to the position.

Head of Staff Steen Harrit Jacobsen is pleased that Aarhus University has gained such a competent and professionally strong profile with a large network.

“In appointing Sys Christina Vestergaard, the university has gained a head of press and communication who takes on the role of leader and adviser with great energy, loyalty and authenticity – both in relation to the tasks and the people around her. These characteristics combined with the high level of quality she represents are a great strength,” says Steen Harrit Jacobsen.

Sys Christina Vestergaard has been working with the university’s communication for 13 years, and, since 2009, she has been employed in the Rector’s office – first as a press adviser and later as team leader for the press and communication unit, before she was made acting head of press and communication.

Sys Christina Vestergaard graduated from the University of Southern Denmark in 2002 with a degree in journalism. She also brings experience from outside the university with her, for example as a journalist at the former JP Randers, editor at Datagraf and communication and press officer at Værket in Randers.

Sys Christina Vestergaard is 48 years old and lives in Randers with her husband and their two daughters aged 10 and 13.

Aarhus University’s head of press and communication can be contacted at or tel.: 2367 0012.