The Aarhus University Research Foundation support bright ideas

Do you have a daring, innovative research project in the works? Or a potentially groundbreaking publication? You can apply for funding to help make your project a reality from the Aarhus University Research Foundation.

The Aarhus University Research Foundation (AUFF) has just published calls for applications for publication support and the AUFF NOVA grant.

Researchers can apply for funding to support publication in leading international publications, primarily from large international publishers. However, researchers can still apply for support for high-quality Danish publications. The goal of AUFF publication support grants is to encourage the dissemination of important academic work to strengthen awareness of the university’s research and activities. This applies both to the general public and international academia.

Application deadline 7 September at noon: Read more about publication support

 The goal of AUFF NOVA grants is to support daring, innovative research projects of high quality which may otherwise have difficulty finding funding. To be eligible for an AUFF NOVA grant, the project must explore uncharted territory and demonstrate the potential for research breakthroughs. When applications are assessed, the originality and potential of the project will be weighted higher than the applicant's CV.

Application deadline 15 September at noon: Read more about AUFF NOVA