The administration must work smarter, not harder

The administration must improve the efficiency of a variety of work processes. This will take place in order to help realise the DKK 100 million in cost reductions initiated by the senior management team in 2015. The first phase of the cost reduction plan towards 2017 is almost in place

As a consequence of the university’s financial situation, a gradual reduction in the number of employees who perform administrative tasks will take place over the coming years. The solution is not for all of us to work harder, and neither can we continue to reduce the level of administrative service we provide.

This means that one of our most important tasks in the time to come will be to explore how to improve the efficiency and flexibility of our daily work processes, through measures including better IT solutions, competency development and process optimisation. In short, we have to work smarter. This process will require everyone in the administration to work closely together, and the issue will at the top of the agenda.

The rationalisation of administrative work processes will take place in order to help realise the DKK 100 million in cost reductions adopted by the senior management team in 2014, which must be realised in 2019. The administration began realising these cost reductions  last year, and the plan for the first DKK 60 million, to be realised in 2017, is practically speaking in place.

As a consequence, the need to identify new ways of rationalising our way to lower costs becomes particularly pressing starting in 2018. In 2018 and 2019, the administration must deliver the remaining DKK 40 million in cutbacks. The individual units have already identified some potential strategies for achieving these savings, and will continue to refine their plans and discuss proposed cutbacks in the local liaison committees.

Cost reduction plan towards 2017 in place

The administrative cost reductions have been divided among the units of the central administration and the administrative centres, in addition to the university’s joint expenses and library services.

At present, the administrative units have largely performed the necessary cutbacks towards 2017, for example by leaving vacant positions unfilled, abolishing positions, reducing specific administrative services and optimising work processes. The planned reductions in the university’s joint expenses have also largely been realised. This includes costs related to IT licenses, examination rooms and postage. The libraries at Arts and Aarhus BSS are also in the process of identifying proposals for the realisation of the planned cost reductions in library services.

The administrative cutbacks, continued tight control of budgets and an intensified focus on optimising work processes are intended to help the university create the necessary financial latitude to enable strategic prioritisation and the allocation of a larger proportion of its budget to research and education. 

Factsa: Cost reductions in the administration

In 2014, the senior management team adopted a reduction in administrative costs of DKK 100 million for the period 2015-2019. Read more. This corresponds to a budget reduction of approximately 2 per cent annually. The cutbacks are distributed as follows:


  • The central administration and the administrative centres: DKK 63 million
  • Joint expenses: DKK 30 million
  • Library services: DKK 7 million

In addition to the administrative cost reductions, the university is in the process of developing a budget plan to accomodate the reduction in revenues of at least DKK 300 million anticipated as a consequence of the 2016 Finance Act. Read more


Table: Development in the administration’s budget, 2015-19

In millions DKK






Total budget for the administration











Annual reductions






Total reduction in rel. to 2015







I 2014 var 1.844 medarbejdere (årsværk) tilknyttet Enhedsadministrationen. I 2015 var tallet 1.772 fordelt på 740 i fællesadministrationen og 1.032 i administrationscentrene.