The deputy director for IT and Digital Media resigns her position

Deputy Director of IT and Digital Media Christina Breddam has decided to resign from her position at the end of January to take up a position as faculty director at Aalborg University on 1 February 2015.

After just under six years at AU, Deputy Director Christina Breddam is moving on to new challenges. She has accepted the position of faculty director of the Faculty Office for Engineering and Science/Medicine, which serves the Faculty of Medicine and the Faculty of Engineering and Science at Aalborg University.

Breddam has resigned her position as deputy director for IT and Digital Media at AU, which she assumed on 22 October 2014 in connection with the reorganisation of the administration.

“I have spent six incredibly good years at Aarhus University that have taught me a lot, and it’s been both challenging and rewarding to be a part of the major changes the university has been through over the course of these years. But the new position as faculty director will fulfil a strong desire on my part for closer contact with the academic side of the university organisation and to work with two disciplines I have experience with from previous positions,” explains Breddam, who worked in the healthcare system for a number of years before she came to AU in 2009.

In the course of her time at Aarhus University, she has held a variety of executive positions, including the positions of administration centre manager at the former Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, head of organisational development and work environment in HR, acting deputy director of AU HR, deputy director of AU Communication and most recently deputy director of IT and Digital Media.

“Aarhus University has benefited greatly from Christina Breddam’s solid understanding of the organisation, professional insight and capacity for hard work. We’re saying goodbye to a highly competent, dedicated employee, and I wish Christina Breddam the best of luck in her new position,” says Rector Brian Bech Nielsen.

Before Breddam’s last working day on 31 January, a decision will be made as to when the position of deputy director of IT and Digital Media will be advertised and how the administrative division is to be managed until a new deputy director is appointed.