The names of administrative units have been decided

The names of the majority of units the administrative centres and administrative divisions have been adjusted to reflect the organisational changes of the past months.

AU has changed its structure in central areas in connection with the follow-up on the problem analysis. These organisational changes have made it necessary to reconsider the names of administrative divisions and administrative units at AU. The following names are now official:

Central Administration

Arts Administrative Centre Aarhus BSS Administrative Centre  HE Administrative Centre ST Administrative Centre
AU Research Support and External Relations Arts PhD Administration and Internationalisation Aarhus BSS External Relations


HE Office of International Relations

ST Research and External Relations
AU HR Arts HR Aarhus BSS HR and PhD HE HR ST HR
AU IT and Digital Media Arts IT Support Aarhus BSS IT Support HE IT Support ST IT Support
AU Student Administration and Services Arts Studies Administration Aarhus BSS Studies Administration HE Studies Administration ST Studies Administration
AU Finance and Estates Projects and Development

Arts Finance

Arts Estates Facilities*

Aarhus BSS Finance

Aarhus BSS Estates Facilities*

HE Finance

HE Estates Facilities*

ST Finance

ST Estates Facilities*

- Arts Communication Aarhus BSS Communication HE Communication ST Communication

*Approval pending

The corresponding Danish names are:


Administrationscenter Arts Administrationscenter Aarhus BSS Administrationscenter Health Administrationscenter ST
AU Forskning og Eksterne Relationer Arts Ph.d. og Internationalisering Aarhus BSS Eksterne relationer

HE Forskeruddannelsen

HE Office of International Relations

ST Forskning og Eksterne Relationer

Aarhus BSS HR og PhD

AU IT og Digitale Medier Arts IT-Support Aarhus BSS IT-Support HE IT-Support ST IT-Support
AU Uddannelse Arts Studier Aarhus BSS Studier HE Studier ST Studier
AU Økonomi og Bygninger

Arts Økonomi

Arts Bygningsservice

Aarhus BSS Økonomi

Aarhus BSS Bygningsservice

HE Økonomi

HE Bygningsservice

ST Økonomi

ST Bygningsservice

- Arts Kommunikation Aarhus BSS Kommunikation HE Kommunikation ST Kommunikation

Please note that the reorganisation of the administrative centre at ST is still ongoing, which means that a final decision regarding names of subunits has not yet been reached. The internal organisation of the Rector’s Office is expected to be clarified by 1 April 2015, after which new subunit names will be announced.

The name of subunits in the administrative divisions can be found on the new organisational charts for the administration (In Danish. The English organisational charts will be made available as soon as possible):