The process to replace STADS has begun

The motor of AU’s studies administration processes – STADS – is technologically outdated. The eight Danish universities and the Ministry of Higher Education and Science have joined forces to find a replacement, and employees and students at Aarhus University will be included in the process.

The nationwide project to find a new studies administration system is now getting in gear. For technical reasons, it is not possible for STADS to continue to fill the role of the core IT platform for studies administration at the Danish universities in the long term. Therefore, the universities have joined forces with the Ministry of Higher Education and Science to find a system that can meet the requirements necessary to ensure smoothly functioning studies administration.

At Aarhus University, Programme Director Esben Wolf is in charge of the work to ensure that employees and students will be involved in the process.

“We will do everything we can to include employees and students at Aarhus University in the process. They have valuable knowledge that is essential to us. And I want to emphasise to my colleagues that we will have the time with this process to do a thorough job. We want to make sure that we get the best possible studies administration system,” says Esben Wolf.

The project is in its initial phases which means that the specifics of the inclusion process have not been determined.

A focus on the students
The collaborative partners believe that it will be possible to find a suitable international standard solution. But it will have to meet the demands of the Danish universities. Emphasis will be placed on the possibilities to base the system on the students’ needs.

“The new system must have a central focus on the students so that they can get a better overview of their studies and an easier self-service system. It will be easier for everyone, both students and employees, to use the system. For technical and administrative staff, a new system should make it possible to work more efficiently, enabling them to focus on any difficult or unusual tasks,” explains Esben Wolf.

In the new year, a website will be created with updates on the process with the new studies administration system and the process to include employees and students.

STADS will run as usual until the new studies administration system comes into operation. It is too soon to say when the new system will be ready for use, but it will probably take four to five years.

If you have any questions about the project, please contact Programme Director Esben Wolf:, tel.: +4593521300


Replacing STADS
The eight Danish universities and the Ministry of Higher Education and Science have decided to acquire and implement a new studies administration system to replace STADS. At Aarhus University, the local effort is centralised in a programme with Esben Wolf as director and University Director Arnold Boon as chairman of the steering committee. The nationwide project is led by the Ministry, and the universities will have influence on the project through its governing bodies and through participation in the practical work. Kristian Thorn, Deputy Director for AU Student Administration and Services, and Arnold Boon are both part of the steering committee for the nationwide project.