The search for University Director Jørgen Jørgensen’s successor is now under way

Aarhus University will now initiate the process of selecting University Director Jørgensen’s successor. Jørgensen’s contract expires in early 2015.

[Translate to English:] Universitetsdirektør Jørgen Jørgensen. Foto: Lars Kruse / AU Kommunikation.

Aarhus University will now initiate the process of selecting University Director Jørgensen’s successor. Jørgensen’s contract expires in early 2015. The board reached this decision on the recommendation of the rector at a meeting on 26 February.

The background for the decision is the senior management team’s desire to have a new university director in place well in advance of the completion of the 2015 budget.  For the rector and the board, ensuring the optimal conditions for a smooth handover from the current to the coming university director has high priority.

“The process of recruiting a new university director can take quite some time, which is why I’m very pleased that we have the board’s support to initiate the process of finding Jørgen Jørgensen’s successor now,” says Rector Bech Nielsen.

According to Jørgensen, this solution will ensure continuity in a time of major challenges, and will give the new university director the opportunity for a thorough introduction to a complex position

AU expects to advertise the position of university director in the course of March 2014 and that the new university director will assume his or her duties around the beginning of the academic year.