The University board approves Aarhus University's 2025 strategy

Aarhus University's strategy leading up to 2025 was adopted at the final board meeting of the Year. Several points in the strategy were adjusted following the consultation process with staff and students.

"It’s an ambitious strategy, but I think it hits the mark. Both in relation to where Aarhus University is today, and where we want to go in the future. It reflects the identity of the university, and it signals a clear awareness of our obligations to society."

This is how Chair of the Board Connie Hedegaard describes the strategy that was adopted at Friday's board meeting. The more than 20-page-long text sets the overall direction for Aarhus University up to 2025.

Core tasks, goals and sub-goals to stamp an impression on society

The strategy divides the university's activities between six core tasks:

  • Research of the highest international quality
  • Research-based degree programmes of the highest international quality
  • Research contribution to society’s development and prosperity
  • Interdisciplinary research to address societal challenges
  • Graduates for the labour market of the future
  • Development of research talents and integration of research into degree programmes.

The six core tasks result in 12 goals and 22 sub-goals to be realised through a number of specific initiatives over the strategy period. Several of the initiatives have already been launched, and as the chair of the board says, the whole point of the strategy has been that it be clearly anchored in existing work at the university. 

"Aarhus University is already well on the way. In recent years, we’ve adopted several long-term academic initiatives in engineering sciences, IT and digitalisation, as well as the business area, for example. Naturally, we’ll be continuing on this course,” says Connie Hedegaard, who nevertheless points out that the strategy also sets new directions on several points

"Sustainability and diversity are two themes that have now been given a more prominent role than in the previous strategy. And there’s good reason for this, considering developments in society in the intervening years. There’s also full support for these new focus areas in the consultation responses we’ve received from staff and students." 

Spotlight on a good work and study environment

Generally speaking, the consultation responses seconded the ambitions and focus areas of the strategy, but several aspects of the strategy have also been changed following input from staff and students. 

Among other things, a good academic and work environment has now been highlighted as a fundamental condition for the success of the university. Sustainability is also more prominent in the strategy; for example the strategy stresses that specific initiatives should be taken in the areas of research, education and collaboration.

Furthermore, the consultation has led to a more clearly defined sub-goal on diversity, and contributions from the health sciences to the development of society have been included alongside ambitions to continue the development of a strong Faculty of Arts.


"On behalf of the board, I’d like to thank staff and students for their excellent input. The comments have been extremely relevant, and I think that the process has confirmed that Aarhus University is in a strong position looking towards 2025," concludes Connie Hedegaard.